Results Tab of the Utilization Inquiry Screen

The Results tab will display the timesheet status results after you execute the search using your criteria. You can also preview and print the report from the Results tab.

The employees that display in the Results tab table depend on the criteria you selected in the Criteria tab.

Which columns are displayed is determined by options selected in the Criteria tab. If you selected the By Group radio button, the table will display the groups that fit the criteria, and each field in the Utilizations table that was selected. You can use a drill-down function to see the individual employee hours that were charged.  If you selected the By Employee radio button, the table will display the employees' names along with each utilization selected.

Screen Fields

Field Description

This non-editable column displays the group and will be displayed only if you selected the By Group radio button in the Criteria tab.


This non-editable column displays the name of the employee. If the system is configured to show employee IDs, the ID, in parentheses, will follow the employee name. This column will be displayed only if you selected the By Employee radio button in the Criteria tab.


These non-editable columns display, in alphabetical order, the utilization(s) selected in the Criteria tab. If hours exist for utilizations that were not selected, they will be placed in a column called Other. Each set of utilizations is divided into two columns, and the data displayed is based on criteria selected in the Criteria tab:

Actual Hours - If you selected the Actual Hours radio button as the hours option in the Criteria tab, the following information will be displayed:
  • Hours - The first column displays the number of hours that each group or employee charged to the utilization for the selected time period.
  • Percent - The second column is a calculated value that displays the percentage of the hours that each group or employee charged in the Hours column divided by the total actual hours on the timesheet(s) for the date range selected.
Standard Hours - If you selected the Standard Hours radio button as the hours option in the Criteria tab, the following information will be displayed:
  • Hours - The first column displays the number of hours that each group or employee charged to the utilization for the selected time period.
  • Percent - The second column is a calculated value that displays the percentage of the hours that each group or employee charged in the Hours field divided by the total standard hours on the timesheet(s) for the date range selected.

Screen Buttons

Field Description

Use the Preview/Print button to preview the Utilization Inquiry report in Adobe Acrobat format. The preview includes all employees listed in the Detail table of the Results tab. Select the Print button to print the report.